pretty good oh by the way some taken, u better watch your back
ALL HAIL to my new digital tablet. (Sung to the tune of hail to the chief) hail to the tablet it's the tablet and it needs hailing, hail to the tablet or I'll stab you in the back to basta...
Ahem... sorry about that. Yes my first official coloring using my new Wacom digital tablet, OH YEAH! I really felt to reach the next level in my art I needed to advance to a digital tablet and boy am I glad I did. You'll notice there's none of the original line work (except on the jacket). I've wanted to test out a digital coloring without the black outline for a while now. I consider this image the best I've done thus far. I hope you enjoy.
Character description;
This is an image of one of my superheroes. Her name is Siphon. I really like this design. Her symbol is an indented S on a diamond shape. I hope you can make it out.
IâEUTMve had the concept of this superhero for a while. Her power is the ability to absorb, store and redirect most energy forms. The energies she can absorb store and redirect include; any type of charged particle (electromagnetism, radio waves, microwaves, terahertz radiation, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays). Mechanical energy (elastic, kinetic, surface, sound) and thermal energy. She is not compatible with nuclear energy, chemical energy and gravitational energy.
I feel itâEUTMs a great concept, her power has infinite application. By controlling the emission of one of several energy forms she can fly. She can absorb all sound waves she comes in contact with silencing the area. She can then direct that stored sound at whoever she wishes. The multiplied sound waves would hit her target almost deafening them. She can absorb all the kinetic energy in a punch from the hulk and redirect it back at him with a single touch. She can absorb light blanketing the area in darkness and then use it to blind her enemies later. She can drain any electrical device. And of course her projectile blasts are almost limitless in strength (she's only limited by the available energy and considering the presence of the sun, there's a lot of it around).
She does have weaknesses. She can't absorb the kinetic energy of a bullet (it's moving too fast) She's vulnerable to slashing attacks and chemical attacks. There's a lot of ways to bring her down. I feel invincible super heroes tend to lose their appeal, like superman (no offence superman).
pretty good oh by the way some taken, u better watch your back
Oh crap... Now I have superman on to me. Ever since I offended the fantastic four it's beed down hill.
Pretty good
That's pretty cool and I like her powers (yeah, superman isn't that cool,) but I notice that the boots and the jacket look a bit cartoony compared to the rest of her outfit and the colours also seem a touch dischordant, between her pink hair, red and black coat, black boots and the blindingly yellow outfit, it all seems a little...much, if you settle for three colours (The red, yellow, and black persay,) and just switch around the colours of her hair and such could render the picture mor pleasing to the eye.
Thanks for the awesome feedback. I'll consider everything
really good
awesome work man. whats the program you used to create this? and if you could a lil info on the method.. thats a cool lookin character and i agree with ya on the invincible superhero comment, if shes vulnerable then the fights will be more intense.
Good old photoshop. As to the method... It involves alien space monkeys and the milk extract from a lactating mongoose...
And if that means scanning the picture, making a multiplied grey layer overtop, lighting and darkening with the dodge and burn tools then coloring on different layers using the layer options then that's exactly how I did it ^_^
Here's a link to a tutorial I've done;
Hope this helps.
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