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(Fanart) Project Emion


Beware the Triangle... 🔺 

A fan poster I created for one of my most favorite projects I've discovered so far, Project Emion! Created by the ever so talented DamaiMikaz over on DeviantArt, I gotta tell y'all, the world building and characters along with the story/lore is amazing! So amazing in fact that I cannot do it justice with words alone and so I beg y'all to check it out yourselves, and while you're at it, check her other stuff out! She's such a cool and amazing artist in my opinion and her art truly reflects that. https://www.deviantart.com/damaimikaz

I did my best to draw the characters accurately as I can tho with my lame art skills, it was a struggle, as well as how I wanted the composition to be like, but I'm somewhat satisfied with how it all turned out. Hope you guys enjoy it and the alts I made! 

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Loved this piece and its alts - not just for being such a damn good piece of fanart, but for introducing me to something really damn good!

Skidodles responds:

Happy to hear that, and thanks! Glad she got another fan ^^

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Waiting for 1 more vote

Jul 18, 2024
11:26 PM EDT

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