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Lord Dominator's beach episode


Hey all,

And just like I promised and hoped for this was finished rather quickly the day after, again a reminder that this will have no impact on the schedule this week so assuming everything else goes as expected there should be no delays, but you never know with me.

Today we have another commission, a rather simple one, I elected not to make a fancy background to save for time, and there are no alternate versions available either. It was a very simple commission, just put Lord Dominator (from Wander Over Yonder, a cartoon, I heard it was pretty good while it ran) In a skimpy two-piece black bikini and have her squeeze her tits together between her arms, which I was free to inflate to be a bit larger.

I of course, did just so, as large as I felt the commissioneer(?) would let me get away with. So now she's sporting a pair of massive and heavy green hangers in place of her usual more modest (and not particularly unattractive) pair she has in the show.

I actually have drawn her before, way back when as an RQR before I called them RQR's, one of the first of those I did actually, so if you wanted to ogle at her with a more show-accurate bust just scroll down that timeline until you find her lounging languidly on a couch with her legs spread in all her green alien overlord glory. Well, that's on all platforms aside from Patreon that is, I had to delete the post there because I had to change some stuff but for some reason couldn't edit it, strangely enough the only post that has happened to.

Also you won't notice but for this I decided to experiment a bit with skin tones and layering and it worked quite well, very handy to know these things about photoshop.

SoCarter out.

Ps; Ain't she a tease? Get those hands out of the way dammit!

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One of the nicest things I commissioned, still glad to come back to it.


even galactic overlords need some R&R

Wasn’t sure if she’d work in your artstyle. But you made it work! Great job as always, dude!

she existes

Credits & Info

4.70 / 5.00

Dec 7, 2020
3:09 PM EST

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