Chapter 1
Once, a young girl thought to be missing has been found dead in a forest, it was suspected she died from an animal attack, she was found full of bites and the sight was overall gruesome, the only clues being several claw marks on surrounding trees, i am Mark, a private investigator hired by her parents, writing this from my van, i have went into the forest to look for clues of how she got there in the first place, walking several miles from the nearest outpost in all directions, there was no sight of human activity other then my own.
One dark night, i got lost, so i started a fire, and set down for a while, it was around 2 am, i usually am insomniac, so i often stay to 4 am, but tonight i was tired, so i layed down and slept to the sound of crickets cricking, not 1 hour after i fell asleep i woke up to the sound of brenches, i looked around with my rifle and saw nothing, so then i add a few wood planks to the fire and stretch looking around.
I turn around to pick up some food and i see it, two grayish blue eyes looking at me from the distance. The sight was unsettling, i pick up my rifle and aim, shooting after it, the sound it made was unrecognizable, it was as if, a woman was being cut alive, whatever that was, fled into the woods, i couldnt sleep one minute after that encounter, and i made damn sure the fire didnt go out. As day broke, i went to where that thing was, a stain of blood and a little cloth, the cloth matched the girl's outfit that day, so i knew i was getting close, but i was terrified of what that creature was, so i took samples off the blood and went on my way to my car to get home, little did i know, that was one of the worst mistakes of my life.
Chapter 2
I've arived home after that unholy encounter, i open my door and meet my beloved boyfriend Henry, he is sound asleep on the sofa, usually he falls asleep watching his silly shows, so its normal for him, i leave my car keys on the wall and grab a bag of chips as i put a blanket on him, it's around 7 am, so my friend Patrick, who works in the DNA division of the police force, can help me identify this creature.
I write down in my notebook about the encounter. "A woman, with a weird scream, might be" is all i could've written, when i see the shine of grayish, blue, eyes watching me from the mirror, from the corner of my eye, my skin shivers as i slowly look up to said mirror, i see nothing but the blue sky, "Am i just paranoid? Henry always says staying up so many nights will get to me one day..." I foolishy thing to myself as i finish writing on the notebook about last night's encounter.
I get a call from the girl's parents, asking me if i have found anything yet,
"Hello Gareld, have you found anything yet?" The mother asks crying
"Yes, Ms and Mr Jerrald, i have found a huge lead, last night, I've found a piece of cloth resembling your daughter's dress." I tell them
"Please find whoever did this, our daughter should be the last missing child..." Said the father, in a tone that gives away how he's hardly keeping it together
"I will find the sicko that did it, do not worry." I reasure them, looking at the blood sample I've gotten.
Later that day, i meet up with my friend Patrick, at our favorite bar close to my place, leaving the blood sample of whatever creature did that, we drank a little as we were talking about what we did in the last few days, he tells me about crime scenes and i tell him about my encounter with the creature.
As i tell him about the creature, his skin goes pale and he looks dead into my eyes,
"Dude... That is exactly the description my grandfather said he'd have seen before going missing last year..." He tells me
"Are you sure? You arent just misremembering?" I say muckingly
He says, fully sober from the shiver down his spine "That is exactly what he described it as. Please be safe."
I stay silent and proceed to go home after saying goodbye, as i walk home i notice the car is gone, "Henry must've gone somewhere" think to myself, as i go sit on the sofa.
The moment i set down, I've screamed, the sofa being tainted in blood, get off and hit the TV off the table as i backed away, i quickly look all around the house screaming for Henry, but nothing.
Hopefully, he got away with the car.
Chapter 3
The next day, I could bearly slept, not knowing where Henry is, or if he is even safe. I go to meet up with the girl's parents, to tell them about my findings so far, but when i get there, police tapes everywhere
"What happent here?" I've asked a police officer
"Triple murder, someone broke into this house and killed the Jerralds, even their toddler." Said the police officer
"That's horrid..." I respond in shock
"Hey! Gareld! You should see this." I hear Patrick's voice as he comes from inside "He's with me, yo, he a private investigator hired by them, he needs to see this!" He tells the police officer as he waits for me to get inside
As i follow him around the house, everything is teared as if an animal has been inside, "I have a feeling i know what did this..." I said shivering.
"This is it, bro, try to keep it inside" Patrick says showing me the clawed up bodies of the Jerralds, i bearly look at them and i already throw up, its as if an animal has killed them.
"You think it was that creature...?" I ask after puking and looking away
"Could be." Patrick says "But i say we take this back to it, what do you say?"
"Let's get that mother fucker what's comming." I say as i realised it has likely followed me home, where it has attacked my beloved.
That night we take his van, each of us with a revolver and a pump shotgun, we drive deep into the forest, in the area I've seen it. We set up a camp and await for it to apear, its a cold night, but Patrick has brought thick coats for us, its a good thing he is prepeared.
We sit down as i hear something that chills me to the bone...
"Heeeeyyyy Gerald~" i hear my boyfriend in the distance. I look at Patrick who is also petrified, we grasp our shotguns and look around the camp site
"All clear" i say after checking between the trees.
"All cle-" i hear Patrick saying, as he gets interrupted by something, i look to him as i see a clawed hand penetrating from his back, two grayish-blue eyes looking straight as me, as a giggle is echoing in between the trees, my friend Patrick, is dropped to the floor as the creature returns to darkness.
"Patrick!" I finally exclam as i realise the creature is gone and i can move again, i run to Patrick, as he is bleeding out on the floor, unable to speak from his lungs being pierced, whatever this thing is, its unbelievably violent and strong.
I take one last look at Patrick, as i know what to do, i take his revolver and put it to his head, i look away as i pull the trigger, putting him out of his misery, "im sorry Patrick..." Is what i think as tears run down my face, the blood and brains of my, formal friend, now sprayed allover me, i take a flashlight and look around the trees, going to find wherever this damned creature is and blow its head out with my shotgun.
The last thing i ever expected, my car, crashed, full of claw marks, inside... My boyfriend, impaled by a brench, the sight, almost broke me, i crowl down, in physical pain from this sight, i dont understand what that, demon, is, what its goals are.
Chapter 4
My time to grief is cut short as i hear the same, twisted giggle of the creature, i look around and see it, after two encounters and being stalked by it, after being hurt by it so much, i see it for the first time, a pale woman, about 4'8 (148cm), gray hair covering her face, the reflectant, damned, grayish blue eyes, blood allover her hands, her fingers, claw like, she looks like she starved for 10 years, you can clearly see her bones, it was truely a horror sight, but i cant waste this chance. I rise my shotgun and shoot it.
To my absolute terror, the creature, takes the slug straight on, its not effected. I shoot all the bullets and as the sound of the empty gun, it makes a grotesque smile at me, 8 slugs and it didnt even bleed. I see the creature leap at me, dodging it and hitting it so hard with the shotgun, the gun broke, i dont look back, running as fast as humanly possible, towards the van, i still have the keys to it.
I run, without hearing anything, i dont look back, tears running down my face, "i can still make it" i mutter as i reach the van, getting inside and starting it, i turn the van around and, the creature infront of the way to go back, the head of my boyfriend in its sick hand, its playing with it, throwing it up and down like a damn ball, my blood boils in anger as i press the gas pedal.
"DIE YOU S_¥°¢ STAIN" i scream as loud as possible, as the van gets speed...
As i stand there, about to run it over, the thought of how it took all bullets of my shotgun, flash into my mind, and i realize, this wont do anything.
Just as i come to this realisation, the van hits, just as i thought, the creature has nothing, and the van flips. I am unable to get out, but, the heavily inforced van will give me enough time, please, if you read this, never come to this forest, you'll bring it with you home
, so please, for the love of god, stay away.
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