might as well listen to that demon and take the cock...
Roll may have jumped the gun a bit, maybe her inner voices can help her?
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might as well listen to that demon and take the cock...
"What's wrong with me?" she asks. "You're in a porno!" I reply, "It causes all sorts of nonsensical behaviors and speech patterns that would not occur in day-to-day life."
Humor aside, another page of great expressions. XD And if Mega wants it, go get it! Tron needs to learn that being a tsundere doesn't get you anywhere!
LOL. That angel/devil thing really caught me off guard
Why must you make me laugh while reading my OTP porn comics? (Pretend that's in italics)
But seriously tho, I love how her angel and demon are actually agreeing in a way that at first you can't figure it out (I can imagine a way to make that r/iam14andthisisdeep but I won't)
All in all? Good comic, many fap.
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