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VOTE ON THIS POST ONLY. Votes in the comments in any other location will be ignored.

(If you'd like to know just what the heck is going on here, then follow this link for the backstory and lore.)


  • Ranked choice voting! You can now vote for 2 girls. If your first choice comes in last, then your vote will apply to your second choice! In addition you can apply a full amount of CM to each girl!

  • CM totals got doubled again! I'll likely be increasing the cm amounts per round going forward as increases were getting harder to notice the taller they get.

  • Triple Elimination! We're getting close to the end so we're giving the gals another round to "cap out" as it were.

  • Itaku has been removed from sites eligible for voting. Not really enough engagement to justify keeping it around.

  • Every Patron tier now gets the same number of votes (2). Giving out more than 2 was throwing off the balance something fierce, but I still wanted to give people a little bonus for joining and I think that many is still fair.


Every other week I will write an illustrated story about the girls who remain in the running.

Current round will begin Friday 11/18/2024 and end Friday 11/15/2024 6:00pm

Vote for ONE candidate and then add the number of votes to attributes as desired. If you choose you may also vote for a back up girl in case your first choice comes in last. Additional votes earned will contribute to how much growth you’d like to see your voted for girl grow that week, and both 1st and 2nd choice will get the full amount of CM regardless of placement.

You may vote across multiple sites for additional chances for your favorite candidate. Both to keep them in the running and how much they’ll grow. However in order to make it easier to tally up votes please keep your desired attribute spread to the site you made the vote on. (e.g.: dA votes earned replying to my dA post, Bluesky votes earned replying to my Bluesky post, etc) Bonus votes only apply to the site they were earned on.

A candidate is removed upon receiving the lowest number of votes in two separate rounds

Vote on 5 different growth types: Height, Boobs, Butt, Belly, and Hair. Every vote will grow this candidate by one centimeter. So 10 votes will result in that thing getting 10cm higher/bigger/longer. You may distribute your votes in any way you wish. (Example: If you have 20 votes you may put 10 in height and 10 in boobs.) Some candidates are completely immune to some types of growth, so make sure they can be affected by your vote before you make it. (I'll try to warn you if you're wasting votes.) Any unassigned CM will be evenly distrusted between the voted for girls stats.

Every candidate has affinities in each growth “stat” that will affect how much they’ll grow per vote. Some will affect them less, and some will affect them a great deal more. In addition, these stats will increase under special circumstances.

Highest stat for every girl before donations gets double growth for that stat plus 2 affinity levels.

Bonus Affinity levels will be added to all stats based on where that girl places for that week. The bonuses will be applied in the following manner and cannot raise a girls stat beyond 15.

• 2nd: +1 levels

• 3rd: +2 levels


How to earn votes:

Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/misterstupid

$1 - $50: 10 votes per dollar

$50 - $100: 30 votes per dollar

$100+: 60 votes per dollar

(Total amount donated is cumulative as the event continues.)


$3 members: 100 CM and 2 votes to keep them in the running

$10 members: 300 CM and 2 votes to keep them in the running

$25 members: 550 CM and 2 votes to keep them in the running

$35 members: 750 CM and 2 votes to keep them in the running

$45 members: 950 CM and 2 votes to keep them in the running

(These votes can only be while subscribed to my Pateron)


Create Fanart/fanfic: +500 votes

Share this post on any site I didn’t already post on or a dA club: +200 after verification, Plus another vote to keep a girl of your choice in the running.

Spamming or posting to an inappropriate location will forfeit this bonus and all other votes made for the current round.

Please add bonus votes to a single reply on the deviant art post with a link to where you've shared it. This is on the honor system so I expect you guys to be honest and cool.

Asking a question or making a general comment about a girl on her status sheet for that week will add one vote for that girl and +200 cm Ask questions/make comments on their specific page. You can make a comment on as many girls as you want, but only once per site for each girl. This applies to every site the image is posted on.



Fur Affinity



Growth types:

Vote to increase measurements in only the following categories:







An affinities current level will increase growth by the following amounts:

0: Immune, level 0 affinities cannot be increased

1: -50%

2: 0%

3: +50%

4: +100%

5: +200%

6: +300%

7: +400%

8: +500%

9: +550%

10: +600%

11: +650%

12: +700%

13: +750%

14: +800%

15: +850%

16: +900%

17: +950%

18: +1000%

19: +1050%

20: +1100%

21: +1150%

22: +1200%

23: +1250%

24: +1300%

25: +1350%

26: +1400%

27: +1450%

28: +1500%

29: +1550%

30: +1600%

31: +1650%

32: +1700%

33: +1750%

34: +1800%

35: +1850%



Princess Erika


1 Loss

Current Measurements:

• Height: 3.8km

• Bust: 23.5km

• Waist: 1.6km

• Hips: 22.5km

• Hair: 8.3km

Current Affinities

• Height: 29

• Boob: 26

• Belly: 0

• Butt: 13

• Hair: 24



The 2 affinities with the highest number of votes have growth doubled and increase by 3 levels. Affinity with lowest number of votes has growth doubled and increases 3 levels.

Adeen Hillstrider


1 Loss

Current Measurements:

Height: 8.6km

Bust: 10.7km

Waist: 22.6km

Hips: 13.7km

Hair: 3.7km

Current Affinities

Height: 35

Boob: 19

Belly: 29

Butt: 19

Hair: 19


Losing Control:

All growth is multiplied by x4 minus 2 for every place below 1st. Height and highest non height affinity increase by same amount.



0 losses

Current Measurements:

Height: 6.8km

Bust: 23km

Waist: 1.1km

Hips: 26km

Hair: 1.6km

Current Affinities

Height: 27

Boob: 18

Belly: 1

Butt: 23

Hair: 0


Determination- Every round she gets through the two affinities with the most votes have growth doubled and increase by 3 levels

If you've managed to read this far then I want you to know that things seem pretty bleak right now, but we'll get through them. It will be difficult. At times it may even feel impossible. But if we band together and support each other as much as possible we can survive. If there's one thing they can't take away from us, it's the love that we feel for each other.

Now get out there, earn some votes and put 'em on your favorite gal!

Posted using PostyBirb

Log in / sign up to vote & review!

1) Adeen, All cm to Height
2) Joh, All cm to Height

1. Joh All to Boobs!
2. Erika All to Butt!

Joh, all to height

1 Adeen, all to hair.
2 Joh, all to boobs.

Credits & Info

Waiting for 1 more vote

Nov 8, 2024
7:19 AM EST

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