jarvid is being a douche
but im gonna have to go with him on the linework
good drawing
darker lines would do wonders tho
jarvid is being a douche
but im gonna have to go with him on the linework
good drawing
darker lines would do wonders tho
gargh those aren't his words thats what i said on one of his drawings he just took my text and put it here because he's an idiot >:/
hey SWolf
and i call all of these bad lol you can barely see the picture either darken your lines of find a better way to upload your drawings but from the looks of it they are ok.
Well besides copying exactly what i said on some of your drawings, it looks like you just gave me a bad review because i gave you a bad review. So next time just judge my drawing, don't try and get pay back because your mad that i gave you bad feedback.
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