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With a few design refinements and colour touch-ups, here's SodaDog!

So one jarring mistake I've made when redesigning SodaDog a few years ago was a severe lack of "two-tone colour variance" in his outfit like other characters have. I didn't mind it at first considering the blue hues were enough but it...just wasn't distinct. I didn't want to put in even more colours either.

But! I didn't just played with the Brightness/Saturation etc and called it a day; I gathered together colour references from 2K-esque prompts I've gathered over the years to show that it blends in nicely. I also did my best to use less colours as possible, which ended up with just seven (not including B/W) in the end. I used grayscale values to make sure they stood out nicely also.

I also recently noticed that his visor....wasn't even visor-like. It just didn't have a proper shape. Goggles were overdone so I want for a snow visor-like shape to give it that slight cool energy but i still kept the "pop-out" shape and "jagged edges" because that's what makes it unique. I also wanted to further distinguish his design from TTO characters so I gave him a tail too.

The pose...I couldn't resist making him doing a Chip Skylark impression, since I want to work more influences into my overall style and stuff. I was intinally worried about doing the pose as I wanted to draw this as a "standing pose" showing his refined look but I realised it emphasizes the short legs/tall body combo he has. I was worried about making it too off model, but I was like whatever and just went with the flow to keep it cartoony.

I wanted the background to show who he is in terms of personality, but I didn't want to go overboard. Halftone and grunge effects were the start, but I had trouble on what else to put there without it feeling...incomplete. In the end, I just put in some sort of architecture to show the "sleek" side of him considering he's into retrofuturistic stuff.

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Sep 18, 2024
10:55 AM EDT

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