This is pretty good. To begin with, if I sound like a jerk it is not my intention. I see it is inspired by My Little Pony, so some areas I can overlook in this constructive criticism. The following are things that I took note of, if it is not enough just tell me.
The anatomy is pretty good, though the pony's front left leg could be moved back slightly because it doesn't align with the front right.
The shading is really good and mostly consistent, but could be blended/blurred a little on the legs, neck, ears, and hair to indicate roundness. There is a highlight on the wing which indicates that it is jutting straight out rather than being flush with the body. There is a highlight on the tail on the pony's left, as well as highlights on the pony's back left leg which do not match up with the main light source. The teeth could use a little highlighting.