There’s more than one way to skin a cat, but I suppose he took it way too far in the literal sense!
Hmm. Not liking this new NG upload system much.
Anyway, here's another Commission done for a Twitter follower & returning Ko-Fi patron of one of my favorite characters from the Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. I was stoked to get this commission since The Dark Crystal franchise has always been one of my beloveds.
The clothes are more based on the Weta Workshop statue at the request of the commissioner.
Also, there's a strong lack of decent Dark Crystal Art on this site, not to mention just art from that franchise itself, so allow me to correct that by bringing my own contribution to the table.
Super charged black background edited in to bring out details (and because it looks nice)
There’s more than one way to skin a cat, but I suppose he took it way too far in the literal sense!
I don't exactly know what you're talking about, but if you think this good, you can look at the rest of my gallery.
Always love the look of some pencil.
edit: Always love the look of some paper with black marks created via handhead tools of any type except crayons crayons suck ass
It's india ink actually but I do have pencil art work in my gallery though.