You know what time it is?
Time to open a new chapter on The Waifu List! and who better than the gorgeous Judith from Tales of Vesperia to do it?
Tales of Vesperia was a game that held me glued to my chair for hours, days and more the first time I played it, very entertaining, classic combat system of the "Tales of" series, many fun skits to see and have a laugh or two with the dialogs between the party members of this story, but one of the characters caught my attention since the first time I saw her, Judith the Krityan.
Sexy, perceptive, flirty, fun and a GREAT fighter, if you choose this lady as your waifu you will have a partner not only in life, but in the battlefield, when I said she was a great fighter I meant it, her aerial combat capabilities are top notch, but let's not forget how easy on the eyes she is!, lovely latte skin, luscious blue hair and a nice curvy body.
If you want a waifu who not only looks like a sultry temptress (yummy!) but can kick ass (on the air, repeatedly), Judith is the one you're looking for!, remember to show her some good love on the comments section!
Have a good night.
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