A well overdue set for 'Foxy February (10 Days into March). Still, I hope, like most of my work, the delay was worth it. Anyway, I give you my Foxy February "Strawberries and Cream" pin-up print set. Specifically, the Qali Pelagere "Cream" Pin-up in this listing. The Valerie Vulpes "Strawberry" Pin-up is also up in my store, or rather, will be shortly.
Just because Qali is hyperactive, and a bit of a ditz sometimes (especially when it comes to violating others' personal space), doesn't mean she doesn't know how to wrap a guy around her little paws and tease him. She knows the perfect time to slow things down and just lie in wait, playing coy as she conserves all that pent-up excitable energy for the more 'important' parts of the evening that lie ahead. I hope you can keep up, cause after the lip-smacking warm-ups, she might just run circles around you.
Check out the 'competing' pin-up in my store, the Val Vulpes 'Strawberry' pin-up if you're looking for something more forward and...*Ahem* Explicit. Pit these lovely vixen's against each other and pick your favorite! Or if you're looking for a little 'over-indulgence', pick up both! I'm very curious to see which of these lovely ladies outsells the other.
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