This is an image, and a good image too!
It feels like I can never decipher this, it has stumped me for YEARS! The only way I could ever get even Close to figuring out this simple, yet detailed illustration. I will read a quote I picked up from the internet. is it okay if I read it? Is it alright? Okay. AHEM! COUGH ACHUOOCHGHAU! AAHHHHHCHUGH! Okay here it is...
"INTO ThU flo0d AGAIN! Same 'ol trip it was back then, sonny boy. SO I MADE A BIG MISTAYAK. TRa Tuh c iT WUNCE Mi Wayay!"
I know you're a busy man X, so I'll last message short... "you base are belong to us"
-Mr wvw.ifelldowndastairs!#iaintplaying.doodoo