siht it is very god =)
wie geil is das denn?!!
siht it is very god =)
best bass i've EVER heard in all my life!
I'm gonna tell you straight up, this is the BEST bass in a song I've ever heard in my entire life of listening to all sorts of electronica (ive been listening since i was 15 and im 20 now) this is why i became a fan of yours. Your so underrated Dave. I check your page literally every single day HOPING something new is on your page. But alas theres more i need to say about this song. What i love the most is the fact i would have never imagined this melody in a song until i heard it in this one, but it works so perfectly. In fact most of your songs are like that! They're so unthought of until you come up with them. Your my newgrounds god. I've been listening to so many other great artists on this site for years and you have to be my favorite. keep up what your doing man! this song just straight up rocks, it sounds so professional. Get a label! Become famous!
p.s. i love "The Real Booty Babes" maybe its why i enjoy you!
xD auf jeden fall sehr geil!
is des deine stimme die da immer schreit?klingt aber geil auch der gestörte blubbernde typ im hintergrund :D mach weiter so sehr nice 10/10 5/5
just great
nice song rly awesum
und um die Frage zu beantworten:
"ziemlich geil"
have no clue what their saying, but awesome song bro.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.