who doesn't worship labs! did you get the free bbc one or the paid one?
Your composition is great. It's the highs, i have no idea what you have changed but you need to address it, youre murdering my ears.
Today (20 Feb) I felt a lot more hard-pressed to iron out this one, as I was switching computers and needed to faff around to transfer a lot of what I'd installed in the previous computer.
That said, I felt my way through this one. I felt quite sad, and poured that sadness into the piece. Today's prompt from the Lenten list that my beloved and I conceived was "pilgrimage," and so I imagined a forbidding, difficult walk on a long, rough path. The pilgrim's feet would be blistered, their heart would be heavy, their eyes red with tears, but they would still carry on, not knowing what would await them at their destination.
Incidentally, the title, pèlerinage, is the French word for 'pilgrimage.'
I managed to recover Spitfire LABS and BBC Symphony Orchestra Discover, as well as my alpha builds of Versilian Studios Chamber Orchestra 2 to tide me over while I began the slow process of getting Komplete Start installed. I'm glad that with all the time that it took me to do these, I managed to finish today's composition prompt. Perhaps it is a snapshot of the sadness I bear.
who doesn't worship labs! did you get the free bbc one or the paid one?
Your composition is great. It's the highs, i have no idea what you have changed but you need to address it, youre murdering my ears.
Lots of air~ That's where we're at. I could turn down the master a little bit, because that brings it all up.
I got Discover, the free one.
I like the arrangement. Only gripe is that the melody sounds a little too similar to the velvet room music from the Persona games, though I'm guessing it wasn't intentional. Still, it's pretty good.
Never heard the Persona tracks; my influences were Taizé and Margaret Rizza, who did arrangements and melodies like these predating many of the Persona OSTs.
Glad you like the arrangement! Thank you~
Ooo I love this. Reminds me of a French song I used to listen to called T'es partie by GIMS.
Pretty. That sense of longing, though! Hoping what I make in the future can be at least half as expressive!
You will get there; of this I am certain. If you hold the emotional literacy within you, then ultimately the rest involves figuring out what frequencies do what things to our body and psyche. I am certain that you will do it.
sounds like i just woke up in a abandoned inn and found beauty in it and brought the abandoned inn and made a living off of it till i found something odd as the birds yet beautiful as the birds
You certainly see a beauty in this that I did not perceive when I was writing this. 👀 Thank you.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.