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Pointless Edgy Rap

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Author Comments

Let's talk about twitter

Hold up, what the fuck, you think they're an irredeemable cuck?

A youtuber who betrayed your beliefs is more important than an actual cunt?

What the fuck, have you no life that you have to bring that shit to light?

Is that of your biggest concern? Isn't there anything else that is worse? whoa...

Okay real talk, wouldn't it be more okay

to have constructive discussion on issues that are more morally gray?

Instead of speaking on behalf of people you don't represent

Stop enforcing your personal boundaries on people who simply aren't your friend

You can cry about my edginess

Or think you're the embodiment of its sound

Or think that the concept of its pointlessness is somehow fucking profound

Or think that me calling the otherwise pretentious meaning out gives it more substance

(and so on and so forth blah blah blah i think you get the gist of it)

The point is, in the quantum chance I face my fear of fame

I don't want to see some Misteramazing-quality video essay

Preaching the idea that my use of the phrygian mode was some deep expression of depression

When I was simply just in a bad mood and thought it would make for some cool poetry

(I don't think that was the point)

Let's talk jazz, I think some people just don't get it

That watching 5 Adam Neely Q&A's or spending countless hours on Reddit

Doesn't make you the Jazzlord, the Temperament God, or a fucking Rhythm Master

When you keep connecting really big chords that don't even fit eachother

It just stretches my brain that the 7 levels of Jazz Harmony

Is just 7 progressive steps to more brain fuckery

I mean, don't get me wrong, Jazz is sick, it keeps me sane

But you're not a Jazz Producer, you just make really bad boss music.

(The lack of rhyme there was a jazz thing, you wouldn't get it.)

Holy Shit

What the fuck

a a

Holy Shit

What the fuck


Holy Shit

What the fuck

a a



You could give a man a fish and you'dve fed him for a day

Holy Shit

What the fuck


You could teach a man to fish but not if the fish won't bite his bait



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Waiting for 5 more votes

Jan 2, 2022
3:02 AM EST
File Info
7 MB
3 min 5 sec

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You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions:

You must give credit to the artist.

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