I understand its a one day thing, but the sound design in this song isnt really good, the pattern is also very uninspired, just my opinions~
UPDATE [9-17-23]: Free downloads have been removed from music that is currently hosted on Bandcamp. If you like this song, please visit my BandCamp page to download it at cost. Support your favorite audio slut.
Check out my growing playlist of Jamuary songs.
Wish I had more time in a day to work on these things, other obligations. Wanted this to be 3 minutes or more and just kept cutting little parts off of it. Maybe I'll tune this up in the future, make a longer version? Keeping it short was a strategy to move things along at a responsible pace and work on other projects, I'm really not complaining.
edit: just listened to this on a JBL charge. I've been saying that I'm afraid to hear this jamuary stuff on a PA, mix is all no. I gotta master a better version of this later off headphones...
I understand its a one day thing, but the sound design in this song isnt really good, the pattern is also very uninspired, just my opinions~
I guess I need to go back to college :'c
i first listened to this on my phone so i didn't quite have the luxury of being jumpscared
gives me synthwave vibes:3
I'm glad your ears were safe. I'm gonna have to make a better version of this D:
I know dubstep songs to take a while but in one day and pretty good! Impressive!
Any genre can be simplified down to a recipe but writing inspired music can take a mysterious amount of time and a fair amount of experience. I don't think dubstep is that hard to write but getting anywhere in that scene is like trying to climb a mountain of quicksand. Way too much talent all trying to do the exact same thing :o
Skrillex is my favorite song by dubstep
I love it when he drops bass and people say "hey, you dropped your bass," and he says "thank you."
I was also jump scared by the volume. It surprised me cuz my volume is almost always at 30% lol.
That WAS some dirty shit 😮
Great dubstep, Keep it up man! :)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.