I had finally gotten the spirit to make a song after a long time, and I did just that. It has been a year since I've made a Speedcore song, so I decided to see how much I have improved (hence the title of the song). Very proud of this one, and am glad how it had turned out. Definitely my best song yet. Hope you all can enjoy—pardon the shitty cover art.
Misc Info:
Length: 5:15
BPM*: 240-1920
Time Signature: 4/4, 2/1, 2/2
Genres: (Melodic) Speedcore, Uptempo Hardcore, Hard House, Extratone
Inspirations: Aekhlorią - Fall into Infinity; Kobaryo - Aozara Gradiant; Kobaryo - Yggdrasil; Speedcore Network Collective - Katrina; Kobaryo - Kumo no Kireme
*Note: this song was entirely composed in 240 BPM, however, some parts have the tempo perceived a little differently so I'll include both actual and perceived timings.
This song on YouTube: youtu.be/hU3IqDcsjo8
This song on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/yoshster-061/annual-advancement
Music made on www.soundtrap.com. Soundtrap is also available on the AppStore and Google Play.
Regards to usage:
If you would like to use my music for whatever reason, at the very least, (please) ask and/or credit me. Nobody wants to deal with crappy copyright or plagiarism. Personal use is fine, but for public, I urge a credit/request. Thanks for understanding.
Contact: yoshster061@gmail.com
You may only use this piece for commercial purposes if your work is a web-based game or animation, otherwise you must make specific arrangements with the artist.