Simply great
While working with this track, I needed something romantic and soothing. I imagined "Bunnies and Cherry Candies" (added after receiving suggestion) and this is what popped out. Vocals were going to be added, but I suddenly got rid of them as it seemed to damage the soothing feel of the song just a tad. But, worthwhile, I believe I have produced a decent track for you listeners. So, enjoy the Love of a Dunmer.
Simply great
I don't know if you've watched Firefly, but this song has a very similar feel to the show. Especially starting around the 2 minute mark, the music takes on a serene feeling (like being in a very calm room in the vacuum of space...)
Very peaceful and easy to listen to. (Only complaint was that some of the key changes were somewhat jarring).
Just amazingly soothing, and reminds me of all the joyful times i've had in my life... I listen to it over and over, and it never gets the least bit tiresome. You are an amazing musician.
Very nice
Except i thought it was impossible for dunmers to love i mean considering how many become skooma heads,assasins,rouges,smugglers/pirat es Ect Ect Lol
but other than that a very nice song
Couldn't be better
I love your style with the plucked strings. Not sure how to describe it, but the effect it has on the music is incredible. Another great piece. 5/5, 10/10
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.