This song's great!
The only problem I've got with it is that annoying sound at the beginning.
Other than that, it's awesome!
its got drum... and its got bass... but im not quite sure wat it'd com under so i jus put drum n bass...
it does get a lil repeative, so yeh...
i like it, mates do... hope most of u do...
if not, then owell...
plz tell me wat ya think if u like it =)
also i have another version to this song... called Cell Phone 2...
let me kno if u'd like me to upload that aswell, its a lil longer, and has
a bit of an intro to it n yeh...
i like it.
This song's great!
The only problem I've got with it is that annoying sound at the beginning.
Other than that, it's awesome!
Not Bad
Its a pretty good song, but it gets pretty repetive xD
Nice beat! its pretty hard and i like it :) the cell phone sound is nice but its also pretty annoying xD
I would like to hear Cell phone 2!
thanx, n warned ya =) lol..
sick, n that was a quick review too.. lol jus uploaded it,
and yeh i gess it does... lol but owell,
i'll upload Cell Phone 2 now =) jus give it a few mins...
thanx for the review! =)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.