i love your remix!
dude i love this song!! and yuor remix is totally awesome!
I know this song has been remixed so many times, but I gave it a go anyways. I built it so that it would work well both as a loop and a song, and it turned out it did. Enjoy the song. Vote and review please!
P.S. Don't forget to check out my page, djheps.newgrounds.com, for the latest updates to my songs and remixes!!
i love your remix!
dude i love this song!! and yuor remix is totally awesome!
Perfect Man !!!
Amazing, You are a DJ !
You known make a Remix MAN !
Rate: 9/10 Stars
Vote:5/5 For this Music
Felps :-Ð
Thanks for your review Felps, glad you liked it :) Since this one has been a great success (so far) I plan to remix a ton more. I might even get my 8 Bit synths going again and put up some old NES remixes.
Anyways, thanks for the review and for listening!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.