First of all, the album cover is fire.
Second of all, I was not expecting a sausage case file to sound anything but offensive. It's hard to really hear the bass on smaller speakers, but it's audible on my headphones. That may be the industrial elements -- it's very much an acquired taste.
I love the chords used and the leads aren't half bad. I would take down the initial spreaded pitch bending instruments down a dB or two. Occasionally they sound to me like a malfunctioning ambulance siren. I think more sparing use of these would give the composition more variety.
Considering it's a genre fusion that I tend not to listen to, and my first thought was Grips, it is certain to be enjoyed by someone out there. I would recommend more taming of your low frequencies prior to applying distortion, and emphasizing high mids. Make sure everything cuts through before dirtying it up, essentially. I'm also a fan of using distortion and saturation on every single track in the mix. There are tips and tricks to making things layer nicely. With an 808 and a kick running along similar frequencies, you'll want to do that or subtle sidechaining to achieve a "clean" chaos.
But this will certainly be an earworm of mine for a while. Even if it isn't my favorite, it's very catchy. I can only imagine someone who really enjoys the genres. They'll be overjoyed.
Also, thanks so much for listing your plugins in the descrip. I found another distortion I didn't have!