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Discord Users in 128 BPM

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Author Comments

This is a compilation of 15 second house tracks that I had gifted to 27 people in Discord. Some of them are more than a year old, therefore the styles of these tracks are outdated.

This compilation is arranged in chronological order.

0:00 - This track is given to RabiToge, for being the piano sheet writer. There's a certain part that is referenced from him.

0:15 - This track is given to Frosty, for his excellent talent in the classical area, he gets an upbeat song with a beautiful melody.

0:30 - This track is given to Dorian, you get an appreciation.

0:45 - This track is given to Pawel, for being a devoted guy in different servers, and for being a 'dile.

1:00 - This track is given to JonathanGD, for being a creative Chep in making cool cube-jumping levels. Keep up the good work!

1:15 - This track is given to JWhite, for being good at managing in Discord Stuff, any stuff.

1:30 - This track is given to GTrap, you are part of the site in big times, so big this Godzilla thing growls.

1:45 - This track is given to Yannick, for being an adorable user and making others join your walcc.

2:00 - This track is given to Mels, for being amazing in the arts, in which everyone thought how. You deserve better than this song.

2:15 - This track is given to TAGSC for creating good art and for being crab. Vibe to this at the beach.

2:30 - This track is given to Orbtus, for having a creative talent to move us into Western Cartoons.

2:45 - This track is given to Shoti, for being epic in many thinks and for being a veteran that had been praised by everyone.

3:00 - This track is given to Volt7 for doing lots of crazy stuff that gives you the power to lure people.

3:15 - This track is given to WooGoo, for being a good chaos finder to prevent us from doing foolery.

3:30 - This track is given to Imaked, for being very active in many commuties, and that makes everyone like you.

3:45 - This track is given to Pascal, for being an active person in the site, making quality comments in quality medium.

4:00 - This track is given to William, for being an amazing electric sheep to hang with by people.

4:15 - This track is given to Jimaras, for being an interesting person to converse to others, showing up at random times.

4:30 - This track is given to Pixel, for being an amazing person to hang out with, trying your best to everybody.

4:45 - This track is given to Avery, for being exposed to the funny, and knowing how to do the funny.

5:00 - This track is given to Nyctosilica, for being something to everyone at some point, you're respected.

5:15 - This track is given to Angry, for having own ways in the arts, and also good at actually being in the right.

5:30 - This track is given to Firecell, who makes amazing stuff and does impressive artwork that others find very wholesome.

5:45 - This track is given to CookieCat, for mastering practices, and for exceling at BMs, games, and vulpines.

6:00 - This track is given to Rekku, for making really top quality art and for being epic in many things.

6:15 - This track is given to Jester, for doing cool stuff, and having a good interest of the music related games.

6:30 - This track is given to Phil, for being good in a lot of things, all are quite cool, so keep it up.

If your name is in the tracklist, and you don't want me to show it there, DM me in Twitter (@KarlYeah23) or Discord (KY23#1796), and I will change it to anonymous.

Individual songs are free to acquire here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Rm_naFTqcs3nG3CTgSY4ccIjzOhSJbZy?usp=sharing

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Comment after almost 2 years

Credits & Info


4.70 / 5.00

Jun 8, 2022
1:58 AM EDT
File Info
15.6 MB
6 min 49 sec

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