Quarl AIM 2022 Review
Composition/Structure (0-10), Production (0-10), Emotion (0-10), Relevance to Artwork (0-10)
V1ZION, Lost [Extended]: 8,6,8,8 (30/40)
Thank you very much for posting that instrument/synth data, I like to know that artists are staying honest when they write their music. I used to mod Newgrounds audio in 2009 and an artist that can talk about their creative process to any degree comes with a stamp of authenticity. It's super easy for users to upload stolen content but posting the extra data is a power move that says "I'm real mothafaka." You can save yourself a little time by using preset tags upon upload to clear up what tools and instruments you're using instead of writing that all in the author's comments. Just pointing that out to help you in the future, make some preset tags :3
The category I'm taking the most points out of will be production. Despite the lo-fi chiptune genre fitting the scene nicely, it wasn't necessarily impressive. Chiptune music in this day and age can be surprisingly immersive and complex. This illustration has shooting stars, I'd have used glittering arps with panning data moving from right to left to emulate those comets. Stars twinkle, chiptune synths can be used to gently paint the illusion of twinkling stars (or chimes if you want a more orchestral sound). Though sound doesn't travel through space there could have been some low frequency groans to emulate celestial planetary bodies moving. Explosions could emulate the excitement from a supernova. The planet looks gassy and a simple white noise synth strobing around could have given me the feeling of swirling gas giants. Please don't tell the artist I said what I'm about to say but I'm not very impressed with the illustration, you might have been better served seeking out some of that high-class animated pixel art, so many users used visual movement to their advantage. The music is a little boring and so is the art you chose but is that a good thing? I'm a little torn.
I remember reviewing this track early in the contest before it was decidedly removed for whatever reasons. I wish I didn't delete that review so I'd have something look back on and gauge improvements. I'm giving you decent emotion points for just taking the time and care to put genuine blood, sweat, and tears into your work. Writing music is an emotional process, we artists love our creations much the same way that parents love their children so I love seeing that. I took off a couple points though because the overall vibes just felt a little odd. The author's comments section is your chance to draw connections that we judges might not have noticed. What was the purpose behind the drums? I know it's a song writing contest but sometimes songs are better without needless contemporary drum rhythms. In your shoes, I'd have drawn a connection to a ship flying through space, that the drums could have driven the song much in the same way an engine drives a spacecraft. You wrote a fair bit in the author's comments, I took many points off while judging other contestants for saying nothing at all but you might have done yourself some more service by talking about how the music reflected the art. Music doesn't always speak for itself. The "emotion" points I'm being generous with revolved around what you did manage to write. Thank you for saying what you did say. The melodies were enough to make a small emotional connection for me but this track could have been many other things as well. The track is fairly low energy but even ambiance can be amazingly colorful.
I hope this review doesn't come across negatively, I do love hearing what the Newgrounds audio community is up to. I hope I notice your work some more in the future. Salutations V1ZION and keep finding joy in writing music!