Maybe use doomsday madness
Destroy All.
Maybe use doomsday madness
I can feel my headphones moving
Holy mother....
I don't know if you knew this, but this song has the LOUDEST bass I've ever heard. It's even louder than the bass in song called "Bass Test." You kind of need nice sub-woofers to notice, but still. You feel it in your heart, to the point where it feels like you're going to die.
Destroy all!
Yeah! I have some huge studio speakers I use for my production and the song pushes them. I have a few songs that you have to have a decent sub to appreciate the bass. Check my other stuff!
I love this style
This style of making music rocks!
Thanks for your contribution!
Siiick. Mad sick. Way sick.
Your beats are wicked. There really is a feel of 'haze' here past the clarity of the drums. Gotta love it. Just pure energy from start to finish, and those waves of synth towards the medal are like mind-blowing. Then it kicks back in, hard, to finish me off.
:D :D
I feel like once I get this onto my iPod, I'll notice a lot more done with mixing, bass, stuff like that. What's in one ear, out the other. So i'll just congratulate you on that beforehand, as I'm heading to download it right now!
Well golly gee thanks!! :)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.