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Frozen Industry

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00:00 / 08:00

Author Comments

This is one of the tracks I'm making for a fan-made expanded soundtrack mod for the game Noita

Specifically for the Frozen Vault

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I like the ominous percussion and atmosphere at the beginning. The progression is a bit slow-paced, but the echo effects and heavy percussion help keep things interesting for a while. The rhythmic content is good, too, and the alternating ascending and descending synth lines (like at 1:01) are also pretty neat. By around the 2-minute mark, though, I’m getting a little restless with the persistent minimalism of the piece. The atmosphere feels a bit more saturated by that point, but I still need some harmonic content to grasp onto at some point. There are some creative compositional and rhythmic ideas in here, and the bass at 2:33 helps at least outline the skeleton of a chord progression, but it’s not quite enough to keep me engaged after a while. I could see this piece fitting quite well in a post-apocalyptic-themed video game, but as a stand-alone piece the composition is pretty bland at the end of the day. You’re clearly a talented producer with a knack for creating catchy beats, foreboding moods, and rich textural atmospheres, but I was looking for a bit more harmonic depth here. My favorite aspect of this piece is probably the mood. You do overuse the ascending and descending synth patterns a bit by the end, but in the meantime there’s plenty of great nightmare fuel in here, especially at around 6:10. Keep at it, VictorLincolnPine! :)

Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score

VictorLincolnPine responds:

The piece was designed for a game where the world is foreboding and deadly at every turn, but eventually the player becomes so powerful that world itself can literally be erased by them if they so choose. I didn't necessarily compose it for engagement, but rather as the background for something the player is already doing (in this case trudging through the very deadly Frozen Vault, where there's explosives literally buried in the snow).

Thank you for your honest criticism. I will keep it in mind for future works. (especially for this knockout round).

Addendum: Just to let you know, there are in fact no chords in this piece. The work is a shaman style piece that uses drums and sound design with sparse synth.

Oh UwU listen to them percussions in the beginning. Reminding me of Turok. I'd like to know what you used for them.

I think at 26 seconds the sudden increase of volume is just a little bit dramatic, and some of the bangs also could come down very slightly. Maybe try a bit more aggressive panning for some SFX and particularly motion in the panning from one side to the other.

Despite having not a whole lot of melodic content, my brain is beginning to interpret chords in the drums at 1:40. One of the resonant bass notes is a low B. Another is a G#4, and your bass comes in at C and F when we get to 3:00. At 4:24 we have a Bb5. Very interesting timbres. Were you aware of those note relations in making the piece and did this on purpose, or did it just sound right?

The piece is super long, but I don't mind. I'm just enjoying the ride. Perhaps the TIKtik-titik could come down just a bit throughout but it's not too bothersome.

Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!

VictorLincolnPine responds:

Yeah, mostly this was done by ear like most of my other tracks. I have it really long cause it's a game track and I wanted enough variation to the music for the listener not to get used to it too quickly as it loops.

As for the drums, I used a combination of dragging my keys on a table and two drum packs: "Bins and Barrels Kit" and "Foley and Real Drum Kit", with a metal pole hit sound in the former kit that I added a slow phaser effect to in addition to delay effects and Valhalla Supermassive reverb effects via aux buses to get both the full wet and full dry signals at once.

Thank you for your input, by the way. I'll take that into consideration for my future tracks.

This sounds like a very industrial ambient mix, not something I personally hear to often but I really like the execution of this. This song is super tense, keeps you on the edge and you don't really expect any build ups or random noise here and there which really pushes the feeling you're going for. The percussion is just perfect for this track. Amazing work in general, keep it up :D

Credits & Info

4.64 / 5.00

Jul 18, 2022
10:29 PM EDT
Video Game
File Info
18.3 MB
8 min 0 sec
  • Live 11

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