So I guess I’m just going to be using this account again for no reason. For the record, I’m 50Steaks, coming back to this account again because I feel like the original version of this song blew up for no reason and this new version does the theme justice.
Allow me to take you on a journey, a journey that begins in summer of 2020. I was watching a playthrough of the literally brand new Henry stikmin collection (before then, a few years back I watched all of the previous games and was interested in experiencing nostalgia. I have never actually played the games because I feel like when you watch it there’s no real reason to buy it). Anyways so because I hadn’t found a good remix of the distracted theme I made one of my own, and it completely blew up. Until Nevada, it was the most popular song I had ever made, and so I want to post this to show you guys, anyone still paying attention to this hunk of garbage account, exactly what I wanted to achieve before my musical skills were refined. I kept the structure and melodies the exact same, but changed literally everything else, even adding a new melody in the second drop to spice things up. It’s also a better loop this time around, since the original original song by the game’s creator was a 2-3 second loop. So, here on the two year anniversary of this song, I present Distracted remastered for the future. Anyways, enjoy this thing I made in like 3 days lol.
You may only use this piece for commercial purposes if your work is a web-based game or animation, otherwise you must make specific arrangements with the artist.