Nice and dark
So this had a nice and dark feel kind of like something scary or something maybe even a halloween themed element you really made it feel dark
A little girl unleashes evil, image the evil, fell the girls movements, feel the horror, as the beast takes form, and flight, as ppl run and hide, and as the evil exhuast itself and dies off.
This song is composed for #Vampire Kingdom Girls, take care and dont hit your heads.
The song starts off with the girl just dancing, then evil is enadvertantly summoned, she escapes on a motorcycle, but returns to stop the evil
Nice and dark
So this had a nice and dark feel kind of like something scary or something maybe even a halloween themed element you really made it feel dark
A nice spooky track. Great background sound, great beat, great effects. Reminds me of the soundtracks they had in movies back in the 80s, heh, nostalgic, keep up the great work!
the problem.
The problem here is i think you have to much going on at once wich kind of blows some of the rythem you may of put into this within the first part..Almost makes it harder to listen to the rest of it.. Its not bad just needs a lil tweaking.
Perhaps turning down some instruments to benefit the others.. either way you did ok on this so props there! keep it up!
That tends to be an issuse with my music :-/
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.