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00:00 / 02:25

Author Comments

made dis ting

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good track, but similar to what i have been saying in other posts around newgrounds, the percussion just sounds too dry. maybe lowering max frequencies on hi hat and adding some reverb and delay could sound cool

B-RadGfromOV responds:

I'll keep that in mind. doing my best to get it EQed decently, though not an expert. Thanks for the review

The atmosphere is JUST PERFECT!

Love the distortion on the kick! is it a hard saturation effect or a distortion effect?
can you share more about how you processed your kick and snare?

B-RadGfromOV responds:

I actually didn't put any effects on the kick, though I do have it set to crush the volume of some of some of the samples when it hits. Might be the compressor from the master channel, and/or the little bit of hi-hat stuck on it from whatever drumbreak it came from.
Snare has an EQ bringing out mids, with reverb, stereo shaper and compressor. Same for the clap layered on it.
Thanks for listening

Nice! Digging these longer cuts! Things are layered just right! Dis ting good!
For those of you just tuning into the B-Rad. Check his other shit out! Hits the mark everytime!

B-RadGfromOV responds:

Thank you my friend 👊


B-RadGfromOV responds:


Credits & Info

4.79 / 5.00

Nov 20, 2022
1:56 PM EST
File Info
5.5 MB
2 min 25 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.

* Contains third-party samples.
Excercise caution when using it, refer to author comments / contact the author for details.