Very nice
This song is very good, but i agree with PrEmoEffect(below), it is a little too repetitive, but other than that it is a great piece of work. Keep it up.
Remix of "Robert Miles - Children" in FL Studio.
Tried making this song to the best of my knowledge and ability. Hope it's good. I liked this song but i listened to it soooo many times that it started to bore me hahaha!
Edit: Crap i realized that the bpm is too fast. man that sucks.
Very nice
This song is very good, but i agree with PrEmoEffect(below), it is a little too repetitive, but other than that it is a great piece of work. Keep it up.
its interesting... I like the melody. but try to change the kick loop, its very repetitive... and thats not good. You have the same kick for 3 minutes. Also make sure to add DISTINCTIVE drum loops. you added some other instruments, but the main click click click feeling of the kick didnt change, making it seem repetitive.
-Add more Kick Loops
-Good Melody
-Too Fast for trance - keep bpm at 140-160
I know. I was not going to add any kicks to it in the first place since i havnt done much with kicks and stuff. I'm practicing with the synths atm. So far i think i've done a pretty good job. I know i shouldn't have added the kick for 3 minutes but i was like ahh what the heck couldnt hurt. :P
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.