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-+IG+- How 2 Cope -+IG+-

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00:00 / 02:48

Author Comments

I built this track around the stab chords that you hear after the intro sirens, after jammin' heavy on DJ Khaled's last album and various Rick Ross and Money Is A Major Issue stuff, so it ended up with that Florida Coca Nostra vibe, at least to me. The bass is beefed up around 90 khz, so it won't hit at a superlow end, but the final mixdown which I've got waiting to push out to a friend back in TX has another layer of bass at around 25 khz. Keep it pimpin'.


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Urgh >.<

Hook me up with all those sounds.. you arent using 'em right!! ahh I must have them!! I'll fucking stepped up hardcore if I had those sounds.

Good track, use snares...


InGenius responds:

lol! Vanguard, Minimogue, CS-80V, lemme see...oh yeah, and Modular System and Minimonsta. All the sounds from anything I made in the last 3 weeks or so come from those VSTi's with the exception of maybe a couple sweeps or soundfonts from the JGSM pack...look those up and if ya can't track 'em down, hit me up on Monday when I got more time. Weekends are always hectic for me with the family. And yah, everyone says snares, I know...I'm breaking my hate for them, believe me.


dope man

this is pretty great good job man

InGenius responds:

Thanks. I started pushin' the limits on my mixes recently when I started gettin' interest in people wantin' to purchase my tracks. This is the sample to one of those tracks. Keep it pimpin'.


Credits & Info

Waiting for 3 more votes

Feb 7, 2008
8:58 AM EST
File Info
2.9 MB
2 min 48 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.