I find that I want a lot more volume out of your kick and snare, and less on your cymbals. They're a bit muted and don't cut through the guitars quite as much as I'd like. On softer sections it's not as noticeable. That hihat is really up there though.
Bass could also use some hi-mid and potentially a volume boost on bigger sections.
As TL mentioned, transitions can be a bit abrupt, but I think it's fine.
Those strings are a bit thin sounding, and I think they could be fleshed out with either several other key instances in the background, or potentially tremelo pan.
2:50 is a great section. Strings there in the left are a bit too loud. Choir sounding good. I find myself wanting it to be a bit more centered, as well as the strings.
It appears this is unmastered to my eyes. A quick run through an internet mastering service might help here.
But your writing is FANTASTIC.
Overall really enjoyed it!