just too quiet
nuf said
^_^' I guess I fucked up a bit
just too quiet
nuf said
What's so F'd up about this anyway?
Really... the only things I felt were wrong were the balance and some issues with volume. nothing too serious... importaint sometimes but not in this case... now... on to the review review...
originality: a 6. its a remix, or at most a remake from scratch. you did good on it, but you can't call it truly your own...
diversity:8. you made a good range of instruments come together without sounding horrible. I'd say you did a good job. Keep it up!
Clarity:9. you didn't have much fuzz sound or any distortion problems. It was easy to hear most of the times but for the volume and the balance. both of which were decidedly minor in this case.
Effort:8. clearly you put some effort into the making of this. It was good. not just some random notes smacked together and called a remix of an actual song. keep it up. you'll go far.
Overall I'd give you an 8 on this. nice work just try addressing the issues and this song would come out near to perfect.(at least in my opinion.)
What so bad about ut?
I thought it was really cool!
I liked it.
I think it sounded awsome for Jenova Absolute. Lots of different instroments and sounds going on and I like that style of music. It wasnt as shitty as you thought. I didnt really hear any wrong notes or nuthin so I though it was great.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.