UPDATE [9-17-23]: Free downloads have been removed from music that is currently hosted on Bandcamp. If you like this song, please visit my BandCamp page to download it at cost. Support your favorite audio slut.
Edit: I never mastered this, drums over power the mix and I didnt make a sub below the reese. One day I might fix it if I ever regain an ounce of discipline...
Wasn't going to finish this but I got a little positive feedback from CryNN on Discord. I often toss stuff in a huge pile of unfinished tunes when I don't like WIPs and can't bring myself to delete. This time it was mix down, I get hyper aggressive critical on my mix work and will outright delete the worst of it from the face of this planet. If some of you like the more experimental stuff, please speak up! I have piles of noises I'm unsure about. Knowing people are tuning in for the lesser stuff is a nice little reminder for me to stay positive and keep trucking towards the best stuff!
As for the slowed down section towards the end: boredom and writer's block. Sorry if it took you out of the mood, let me know if it killed your mojo :'c
Thank you ThinkingShadow!
drums seem to be looping most of the time, and the other sounds the same happy monotone
damn son that shit went from doin yo homework type beat to now my homework just fucked my wife.
Take your wife's name out of your homework's mouth D:<
I like!
Drums and bassline are mint.
Half-time section is great and I'll be very unhappy, should you decide to remove it.
woo, thanks for kindness Qshunt. Hearing it from a producer I have massive respect for is a nice thing to wake up to <3
Lovinnnn the drums on this
Yessssss, spaz drums for the win! Thank you for listening in Yasiin :D
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.