People who say this song sucks are crap!
I love the original, and I love this just as much, Requires a way better score...
Original song by Edward Griegs - In the Hall of the Mountain King
Father-Of-Death's remix inspired me to make this.
Rate and review
People who say this song sucks are crap!
I love the original, and I love this just as much, Requires a way better score...
n1663r5 4nd r4(1575 (r4(k4r5 n1663r5 n1663r5
00:25-00:49 should be the entire song (but longer)
that part was great, the rest kind of slowed it down. good job though. 6/10
The changes were pretty random, maybe try to make some smooth bridges between the different parts of it. I was also missing some reverb to get that true atmosphere that you could expect from a remix of THIS song.
Since you only used the main theme in this song it almost began to go repetitive.
There were not one half minute of beat on any of the two places you could hear the drums. Try adding some more drums and make the beating periods longer. You could also try adding some more melodies into it to get more variation.
Otherwise it rocks!!
You ruined this song
I love the original song. Which is why this remix deserves the rating of 0!
Seriously, if you can't do something right don't do it at all.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.