I wish I could have this in GD
"The chromosphere is the Sun's second layer of atmosphere, above the bright photosphere and below the hot corona."
This is a slower paced, heavy dubstep track with some nice melodic stuff thrown in too. It features a waltz section with a chorused piano and some trap drums. This is my first song based around triplets and sextuplets. The hi-hat pattern is entirely quintuplets, in case you were wondering, which you probably weren't, but whatever.
I've got quite a list of songs that I took inspiration from to create this. Here it is: Well, down there not right here lol.
Eliminate - Multiplex
deadmau5 - Superliminal
deadmau5 - Polyphobia
Excision - Osiris
Xtrullor - 22
Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata 1st Movement
KEY: C# Minor
BPM: 120
I wish I could have this in GD
Absolutely epic! The bass is absolutely insane!!!! Keep this stuff up!!! The piano waltz section is super dope. Also, I did notice those birds sounds - they're a great background noise.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.