Original Title: "Shadow of Arat" from Mabinogi Generation 10: Goddess of Light
Original Composer: Studio EIM
Mix Artist: Me!
Mix Length: 2:47
Mabinogi is a rather significant part of my gaming life, as well as my life in general. Hell, I met my girlfriend of 10 years on there, after all, and we're still together to this day. How she's able to stand me is a mystery all on its own, but anyway, on to the description. Mabinogi, as some of you may know, is a Korean-made MMORPG developed by Nexon and DevCAT, and the story chapters are split in the form of Generations. Generation 10, Goddess of Light, is the second generation in Chapter 3, spanning from Generations 9-12, and all dealing with the resident deities of Erinn in some way, shape, or form, as well as alchemy and other such stuff. The final battle of Generation 10 has you facing off against a doppelganger of yourself, which back in the day could be quite difficult. This is easily one of my favorite boss themes in an MMO that isn't Final Fantasy XIV. It's just... really damn good.
Icon image: Neamhain artwork directly from Mabinogi itself.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.
* Cover / remake of a third-party piece.
Excercise caution when using it, refer to author comments / contact the author for details.