Can i use it?
Towards the end of last year, I wrote Reconnect - a song about walking the fine line between sanity and madness, and the lifelong fight with your inner demons. As used as I am to making music that tells very exotic and grand stories, I wanted to zoom in a little more this time, and explore the self with a more personal, introspective theme.
Evelyn then put in an amazing vocal performance, and elevated the song to another level, all while being the nicest person in the process.
Check out her work below!
Released by modus
Published by Involved Publishing
Am I still myself?
Am I too lost to tell?
To reconnect?
Am I still the one
underneath the setting sun
or have the shadows won?
Promise you'll remember me
in this life and the next
until the end
And promise you'll still love me
even after I rebel
(How can you go to heaven
when you haven't been through hell?)
Ain't nobody bringin' me
Me down, me down
(Me down, down down down)
No bringin' me down
Am I still the same?
Have I been thinking straight
or have I missed my train?
And am I still the one?
The one who will prevail
In this twisted fairytale?
So promise you'll forgive me
For the bodies I turn red
For this path that I tread
I long to reconnect
Ain't nobody bringin' me
Me down, me down
Me, down, down down down
No bringin' me
Me down, me down, me down
(How can you go to heaven
when you haven't been through hell?)
Can i use it?
Hey there! Just updated the licensing terms here.
Non-commercial projects like Youtube videos will likely have the song flagged for copyright - this won't block your video but ensures I still get revenue from the track.
If you need to use it in a commercial project, reach out!
Very good song ; )
You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions:
*Please contact me if you would like to use this in a commercial project. We can discuss the details.