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song about a party that sux until it doesnt >:3



its 2 am and this party fucking sucks

theres way too many ppl and the bathrooms full of drunks

theres nothing left to smoke and im running out of beer

i hope the neighbors call the cops and kick us out of here

oh but the dj's playing all my favorite songs

and when the next 1 starts i just cant help but sing along!

i really wanna go but i kinda wanna stay

and if the dj plays my song i might just be okay


ur right

i like

i like it when you lie

into my eyes

you make me throw my hands into the sky

ill never ask u why

ill dance until i die!!

its 3 am and this party kinda rules

the girls are really mean but theyre dressed up super cool

everybodys dancing and the drinks have just arrived

our hands are in the air like were running out of time!!


ur right

i like

i like it when you lie

into my eyes

you make me throw my hands into the sky

ill never ask u why

ill dance until i die!!

its 5 am and the party never ends :3

i made a lot of noize and i made a lot of friends

we broke a lot of furniture, we'll have 2 make amends but

i think this saturday we'll do it all again >:3

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Omg. This takes me back to like 2009 hahaha. Proof that the music of that era was ahead of its time xD This sounds disturbingly similar to some of the dance tracks that I remember from back then

The lyrics are on point and probably the best part of the song

Mix could use improvement. It sounds very muffled, owing to heavy handed compression on top of levels that are loud going into the master. To eliminate this, I mix at a lower volume until I like what I hear, export, and then master the resulting wav (mp3 if I'm lazy) in a separate project file. This also allows me to slow or speed up the file if I want in audacity before mastering.

The vocals are hiding in the mix for most of the song and very widely spread, resulting in them feeling less intense and in your face than they probably should.

The instrumental in general has a boomy/boxy quality in which the low mids are over-pronounced along with the sub, and the finer details of hi-hat and lead are unclear except in sections where the compressor is not fully engaged. In short, it sounds like a combination of heavy handed mastering on top of mixing that is not quite ideal. Most of it has to do with volume levels pre compressor, it seems.

But I loved the song through and through. Great lyrics and theme, good groove. Nice work!


PARTYHATZ responds:

thank u for the tips :3 im so clueless when it comes 2 mixing and mastering but im learning every day! thanks again this is extremely helpful:))

nice song!

Credits & Info


4.73 / 5.00

Jul 21, 2024
6:00 AM EDT
File Info
5 MB
2 min 41 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.