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Don’t rizz my dog up

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Love the intro, the drums are nicely done. The "electric guitar" instrument doesn't really fit with the song, it's too harsh or it contrasts too much with the rest of the song. Good stuff though, keep at it.

TokenCool responds:

Ty :))) thanks for your response and my next tracks goal is to be a step up from this one but thank you for reviewing the track:)

What happened to the dog, dog? I like the first 30 seconds. I could see it being used in GD. But only something like GD xD

TokenCool responds:

Alright ty my next tracks goal is to be a new genre like Phonk and break core.

That is some pretty cool breakcore! I found a few issues though:

1 - The breaks are muddy and distorted. Distortion can be good, but in this case it makes the complex rhythms a bit unclear to the ear.
2 - The sound selection is a little weird. There is this sample you use at the beginning that repeats throughout the song, and it sounds pretty neat! But then when the song reaches its climax, there are some weird noises scattered around. You could make both the sample and sound effects fit by using effects in a clever way or just clean the sound effects up perhaps.
3 - Where are the high frequencies? I put this track on my music software to check the frequency spectrum and the highs are literally not there. It makes this sound muddier than it needs to be.

Overall, it was a neat attempt at breakcore, and I thought the drums were composed quite well for this being your 6th track! However, you should definitely work on making cleaner, clearer mixes and making good arrangement decisions.

TokenCool responds:

Thanks for the honesty and I will try to make my next song more cleaner, TY :D

Credits & Info


3.12 / 5.00

Aug 28, 2024
10:04 PM EDT
Drum N Bass
File Info
2.8 MB
1 min 37 sec

Licensing Terms

You may only use this piece for commercial purposes if your work is a web-based game or animation, otherwise you must make specific arrangements with the artist.

* Remix of a third-party piece.
Excercise caution when using it, refer to author comments / contact the author for details.