Wow I love the slow sound here and it has a nice beath flowing through you really put down some notes here and a beautiful sound on top of that, Really nice vibe of energy with this one anyways keep up the good work
Clean VS Dirty [Middle of the Night Mix]
Vastly improved second version!
Review please :(
Wow I love the slow sound here and it has a nice beath flowing through you really put down some notes here and a beautiful sound on top of that, Really nice vibe of energy with this one anyways keep up the good work
Softly DnB
y cant we feel the love?
man this song rocks but keep it peacefull and yes it is repetative 9/10 4/5
still very gd but yeah keep it up
Some excellent ambiance behind this track. It is repetitive, but I'd gather moreso on purpose than by carelessness. Cheers. Any smoother and this'd be a cocktail primarily composed of ex-lax and Pepto Bismol. Keep it up. Haven't heard much of your music, to be brutally honest, but this song certainly caught my attention.
It's alright.
First of all, just because someone gives you some criticism don't automatically bitch about it in your author response. The review space is used exactly what that person used it for. In their opinion they thought it was repetitive, so they are allowed to post it. I mention all of this because I also thought it was a bit repetitive. You make the argument that it isn't really, but it still sounds like it is, and it just seems like something is missing from this audio. I can't exactly touch what it is that is missing, but it just feels sort of empty. Hopefully I don't get a negative response back to this. I will though if someone can't handle feedback.
I enjoy criticism, I don't enjoy pointless nagging.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.