I have that piano, trust me, I use it all the time :P
Well, I call this Technopolis. It's about a year old, so don't be too hard on it.
This is the first song I've ever made that would classify as a Trance-sound. I really don't know why I called it Technopolis... Probably because one of the sounds I chose to use was called "something-polis". Tranceopolis should perhaps have been better, but ah well...
However, that almost became a rant.
I did not use any fancy music-making program for this (like FL-Studio or Cubase). I actually just plugged in my synthesizer (spelling?) and recorded bits and pieces into an old editing program (don't remember wich one though).
It's not the best song in the world, I know, but it's a first attempt.
I hope you enjoy this "trip to the past" with me ;)
I have that piano, trust me, I use it all the time :P
PSR-E403 is tha shiietzz ^^ (my keyboard).
Thanks for the review and score ^^
Reminds me of DOS!
Cool... I like it, And I think everyone will enjoy it!
Okay, thanks :)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.