Good stuff man! I don't really have anything ele to say tbh ;-; :>. I'd also would be more than satisfied to make a geometry dash level with this
Well, it's been almost two years since I wrote the original song. This track means a lot to me, because it's the first track that was Frontpaged on May 29, 2023. I was incredibly happy about it, really happy! So I decided to make a Rebirth version of this track. Actually, I planned to do it last year, but I didn't have the energy to do it at that time, but now I was able to do it.
I hope you like it!
Good stuff man! I don't really have anything ele to say tbh ;-; :>. I'd also would be more than satisfied to make a geometry dash level with this
Holy guacamole this slaps
You brought back the song that started it all… love the determined guitars and frenzied synths! I love what you’ve done with the piece. Honestly sounds straight out of an old school racing video game in the best way possible!
Thanks more for the comment! Yes, after all, it was from that track that what happened began. I'm glad you enjoyed the remake!
yay its back
интересное звучание с этой гитарой. думал было сравнить с треком Creo - 322, но ладно не сильно похоже. и всётаки очень прикольно.
в целом же, эта версия звучит куда яснее и чётче первой. интереснее выглядит помоему, когда прослушивается текстура той же гитары
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.