I love the piano in here, it stands out while keeping it atmospheric! Here before the front page!
PRESAVE THE ALBUM: https://too.fm/overscoreinevitable
RELEASE DATE - March 25th
My Spotify:
Apple Music:
You can find me wherever else you find your music.
inevitable, inescapable
The darkest gravity is the force pulling us down from within
Geometry Dash ID: 1410122
The third track of the album comes in strong off of the last, with ever more glitches as the spirit forgets of its current residence. I went for these pounding basses and harsh pads, hoping to strike an eerie yet almost hopeful mood. This song caused me so much grief though, because just after I downloaded the current version, I lost the original SunVox file, and any ability to edit pieces of the song with it.
This made transitioning into it much tougher, but I’m still really proud of the way that transition turned out. And it only makes sense— why would my spirit wish to remain in a broken mind? Just for a second, blissful escape is the only option. So to capture that bliss, enjoy this entrancing moment while it lasts!
I love the piano in here, it stands out while keeping it atmospheric! Here before the front page!
I thought the piano would fill some of the space but also make for a good main melody— thanks for reviewing, Potang!!
i would ask how can i match this but i dont think i can but ill patiently wait for tomorrow
I’m sure you can match this, and you would probably make it better! Thanks for continuing to support this album :)
Another day another OVERSCORE track. This is so good it deserves a frontpage.
EDIT: it got the frontpage thank god
You can expect a LOT more tracks coming for a few days! Glad you think so, thanks for listening to so many of my tracks. Have a great rest of your day!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.