My goodness, where to start with this one? I love it so much. You can easily hear the classical influences, especially at 0:43. Let's just take a second to talk about this. Absolutely masterclass I love it so much. Don't be surprised if you see me attempt something similar in the future. Whatever strings you used here sound amazing :)
It's been a hot minute since I've heard Tennessee and I really love what you did with it. It went from funny trumpet shenanigans into a beautifully orchestrated masterpiece. I genuinely love how much you use the woodwinds. Personally, they're the most slept-on family right before unpitched perc.
You're unnaturally skilled at making music to fit wars. The beginning of this piece matches the tone I would expect for a track about the Civil War. The beautiful violins and strings at the beginning add so much flavour.
10/10 for using the lower register of the celesta so effectively. The celesta usually sounds like such a playful instrument but the lower register has a completely different feel. It still retains the characteristics but without as much brightness to its timbre.
Going back to 00:43 - 00:53, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM that is so good I struggle to express it. I go back and listen to the original Tennessee and I can barely believe it's the same person who made them both. How much you've improved is quite insane. I love how much orchestral music you're making, but I wonder how you'd sound if you tried a trance track again using all that you've learnt.
At 1:20, the pizz strings sound so crisp I love it. It's so sharp and quiet; a perfect contrast to the flutes which are the complete opposite. The build-up to the final climax is done very well. It's a shame the ending is done so quickly. I feel like you could have done more with it. It sounds like it was cut in half and we hear the second half. It's got so much punch and power yet not enough time to really make use of it. However, the very end is a lovely touch. I always love big dramatic endings.
Criminal that this wasn't frontpaged. It has so much charm to it.