This was just so awesome. I really think you're great at making music. Keep it up.
My closest thing to a full song since.. ages.. =].
Constructive criticism please ;D.
This was just so awesome. I really think you're great at making music. Keep it up.
dude your awesome at making have a gift for this kind of stuff. The intro was my favorite part to the song
Thanks man ^^.
I don't believe i'm good at all.. but if you say i am, then i shall take the compliment ^^ Thanks.
Kool =].
Dude you kick ass ^^
You are awesome and you stay awesome!
keep makin these crunky trakz!!=D
-DJ Martcore
Sweeeet!! Uber!!! i have nothing to say the song is perfect:D:D CHeck my new song out cheers:D
I do not make trance music so i don't have anything to say about this.
I also don't think there should be anything to say about the song in a bad way... it would just be a matter of personal taste since everything is pretty much flawless, i mean none of the instruments are to high and each one is a valuable part of the song.
Loved the muted cheering.
Keep up the great work.
I 5'd :D
Ah that's okay =].
Thanks man =] i appreciate that and yeah i believe i should just maybe fill it in a bit more, correct some transitions and make it longer.
Heh yer im quite a fan of the ceerhing too thanks =P
Thanks again,
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.