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Responsibility in Actions

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00:00 / 03:37

Author Comments

This piece is entitled "Responsibility an Actions" because I feel like I am in a debt. My first day here on NG (after i submitted my first two audio submissions) I was sent a PM by a fan to create something that was not my style. So I created the song "Pulse." I stayed true to my classical roots, but not well enough. I feel like I was tainted by this sick bastard son of mine (excuse my language) and now I am in debt not only to the classical genre but to a true fan and follower.

So now, it is my responsibility to take action against what I have created. I will create another DnB, but stay more true to my classical bonds that I was born with.

As an added effect i strapped on my guitar i got three months ago and did a little number. I'm not too good yet.

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A.K.A. Piaras Ivan Delaney

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I wouldn't call it drum and bass tho

Not Stolen, but...

There's little chance this guy made this. I'm not trying to bash this guy or anything, but this song's actual name is "Masquerade." It's part of Digital Juice's Stack Traxx. They're songs that filmakers and the like can buy to use in their commercial products. This is part of the "Power Stacks." This song, along with "Melancholy" and "Imminence." and probably others on here are all from Digital Juice. I know this because I study filmmaking and my group bought a few of these. I'm pretty sure Digital Juice specifies that putting these up for download is illegal, but, whatever. So like I said, he probably bought these, but there's a pretty good chance he didn't make these, even though he claimed to, and everyone commented on his masterful composing skills. Oh well.


wo this is amazing its its incredible one of my favorites top ten i realy like this its well its just amazing im still kinda new to NG but i like what im seeing and you are so far the best on the audio portal this is realy moving a good beat and sound and the guitar is amazing.

Man, this is great....

Classical is definitely your fort'e, but I'm amazed at how well you do when you branch out. This seems like it has a little less of a shocking amount of emotion, but you put a brilliant groove into it - I found myself be-bopping around as I listened to this one. I simply love the melody... Nothing seems to stand out too much, I can hear every sound in it nice and clearly. I personally think it doesn't fall too much into the Drum N Bass category.... Most DnB has insane drums in it, with the focus being on the drums. I think this one goes a little more towards Metal or Hard Rock. Anyway, amazing job as usual!

5/5, 10/10 (do I ever give out lower scores? XD) and another DL.

P.S. I know that it gets pretty freakin' annoying when people ask you to make something different all the time, but may I suggest that you branch out every now and then? The results from the two songs of yours that I've heard where you branch out are phenomenal - I'm interested to see what else you can do.

ParishIsDead responds:

I am writing a new branch out now. Just to shut some people up, you know what I mean. I am being accused of sucking. I will show them what is what here at newgrounds.


Ok the song is not quite done yet, but I think I have to start writing already, It's just too amazing not to say anything, but don't worry, I'm still very focussed on your music. Oh and by the way for three months on guitar you're pretty good, I've been playing guitar for years and I'm barely better than you are, though that mights just be because I never practiced and most likely never will, oh well... anyways, the song ended now. I really like the way you can incorporate classical style with something like this, truly fantasmagoric, rapetastic, and some other weird and random adjectives. Yeah, well I think I'm officially one of your fans, I think I'm going to start downloading your music so I can listen to it everywhere I go. Sweet stuff as always.

Credits & Info

4.58 / 5.00

May 15, 2008
5:37 PM EDT
Drum N Bass
File Info
3.3 MB
3 min 37 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.