First composition? Great!
Hey, cool! I took AP Music theory last year. What was the assignment? I don't write a lot of reviews, but your comments caught my eye. Yeah, Silmarillion, I should read that again. I just had to read The Hobbit for my Mythology class. I write all my music on Finalo 2007 so there's another connection I made with this song lol.
There's a lot of music on this site that sounds like a 10 year old just typed random stuff into finale notepad. But you're studying theory, so thats good to see. Finally onto the critique: The instrumentation fits the style and is well used. I would make the opening tuba part move a little bit. You use rests very effectively, like at 0:58. That build into a complete break is nice. The use of timpini at like 1:20 is also good. The dissonance at 1:54 is good. Let's see... what would make it better? At 2:16, I would put all the low parts on the root so that you get the effect of the high parts on the m3, and then all the lows on 1. Idk, I'd like that better. I'm not a big fan of the repetition at 2:30- 2:40. Change it up a little bit. And on the last note, trumpet up the octave man! It's the climax, don't wus out on it.
Overall, Great. A year of theory has done you well. First composition and a great success. Not perfect, but I like it. 5/5