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||>(The Last Stand)<||

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Author Comments

The basic melody is something I've been toying around with for months and i've just now put it into a song and added some other stuff to it and maybe changed a little... but other than that this is something i've been toying with for a long time and I really need some feedback. If you're gonna spend time to rate me please leave a message so i know what to fix.

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well, it's good

give it a more, a little more tempo, and some "Bass-like" instruments, not all these quiete ones.

Down-beat responds:

Well... personally I would LOVE to have something louder to put with it, but the music program I use isn't actually made to pump out audio, and the feature that does is just to check the music. Finale 07 just isn't for loud instruments. :P terribly sorry. Thanks for the thoughts though.

Credits & Info

Waiting for 4 more votes

May 25, 2008
11:30 AM EDT
File Info
3.3 MB
3 min 34 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.