Let me share a secret with you:
The pieces I love the best - are the ones that channel their emotion into me. It can be mentally through the whole piece (making me feel sad, angry, happy) - or it could be a single instrument or melody that allows me to physically feel the emotion.
A vibration in my neck (around the adams apple)
The trembling of my heart
A bucket of watter poured over my innards
Squeezing my innards
My hair standing on end
My skin stretching
and many others.
Those are my favorite pieces.
The instrument you start using at 0:14 is beautiful. As i'm sure you can tell based on this and past reviews - I love tremolos.
The string's in this piece are dissonant and hauntingly lovely. The percussion is done masterfully.
The climatic change is done flawlessly and I can see the fields and village getting shadowed by a cloud of disbelief and darkness.
The pizzacato strings are great. They are actually the exact same starting notes of a riff I learned to a well-known rock piece today. But i'm sure you didn't know that =)
Great job with this piece - everything was done flawlessly.
If I had to add something - possibly a glockenspiel during when it gets dark? I think that would add a nice effect.
I think i'm going to have to give this a 10/10... and I don't give many of those =)
I jut agree with you "MusicalSerenity" the best music Coment ever Discribed this wonderful fealing!